Issue Position: Environment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

Protecting the quality of our air, water, and land are priorities that George will fight for to preserve our environment and improve public health. Continuing efforts to clean up the Chesapeake Bay, developing alternative energy sources, and creating additional green space in Silver Spring and Takoma Park are endeavors necessary to develop a better environment for District 20 residents. George also supports the following:

Climate Change and Clean Energy

Investing in climate change and clean energy projects creates jobs while preserving our environment. George supports further investments in Maryland's solar, biomass, and public transportation sectors. Additionally, the state's climate pollution reduction requirements should be extended in order to accomplish its goal of reducing emissions. And, further implementation of energy consumption strategies will improve our state's EmPower Maryland program, which was designed to reduce our energy consumption and provide cleaner alternatives.


Hydraulic fracturing, commonly referred to as "fracking," is a technique in which a mixture of hundreds of chemicals, sand, and water are injected into the ground to extract natural gas. Despite potential economic gains, environmental impacts that may result include: ground water contamination, fresh water depletion, and air quality reduction. Because of these potential consequences to our environment, George supports a moratorium on fracking until the state completes a full study and releases the findings.

Montgomery County Agriculture

Silver Spring and Takoma Park residents benefit from our county's agricultural initiatives. Investing in our agriculture increases local business, promotes healthier food, and unites our community. These are the reasons George supports preserving our farmland so that our local farms, farmers markets, and urban agricutlure continue to thrive.
